Jenny Morelli writes (in Swedish) about photographers who takes pictures of other people without them knowing it in Fotografisk tidskrift. I´m being interviewed about 5-9 and Pictures of a Family from 1996.
Fotografisk Tidskrift #4-2013
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Jenny Morelli writes (in Swedish) about photographers who takes pictures of other people without them knowing it in Fotografisk tidskrift. I´m being interviewed about 5-9 and Pictures of a Family from 1996.
Fotografisk Tidskrift #4-2013
Another review (in Swedish) of my exhibition 5-9 at Galleri Magnus Karlsson in Stockholm.
A review (Swe) of my show 5-9 at Galleri Magnus Karlsson from Kunstkritikk.
The Swedish morning paper Svenska dagbladet is writing about my exhibition 5-9 at Galleri Magnus Karlsson.
Mårten Arndtzén talks about my show 5-9 at Galleri Magnus Karlsson on Kulturnytt on Swedish National Radio.