On Thursday, the 22th. of October I´ll make the first part of the project Expanded Photography in the window of Galleri Magnus Karlsson between 6 pm and 9 pm. Next events will be with Julia Peirone and Björn Larsson later this fall. One night only. Welcome! The project is curated by Susanne Fessé.
FIF_BH - International Festival of Photography
The short version of 5-9 will be shown at the photography festival i Belo Horizonte in Brazil.
Artityd - ateljén
UR (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company) haves a new series with Swedish contemporary artists in their studios. The programs gives you an insight in their working processes and how ideas takes form.
Episode 2 is about photography and Julia Peirone and me are interviewed.
Artityd perspektiv - episode 2
This is the link to the TV-program Artityd perspektiv produced by UR (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company). The program is about self portraits and selfies. It i mainly for people between 13 and 15 and is meant to inspire their creativity. The program is in Swedish.
Framing Bodies at Hasselblad Center.
Installation image of Pictures of a Family, Framing Bodies at Hasselblad Center in Gothenburg. The exhibition will end at the 30th of August.
Photo:Cissi Sandblom