Station from 1999 and Still Films #17 from 2009 on display at Moderna Museet, Stockholm. In their new presentation of contemporary Nordic photography and film in the Moderna Museet Collection.
Västerås Filmfestival
Tonight my video Mamma will be shown at Västerås Filmfestival. 6pm at Culturen, biograf box 2. I will be there to talk.
Clarion Hotel Stockholm
From Thursday 21th. of September I will show my video 5-9 for three months at Clarion Hotel Stockholm
Working grant
Yesterday I got a two year working grant from The Swedish Art Counsil.
Flyktpunkt 2017
On Friday, on the 15th. of September the exhibition Flyktpunkt will open at CFF in Stockholm. I've been part of the curatorial team together with Peggy Sue Amison, Susanne Fessé and Mats Eriksson Dunér.