Stockholm City Museum promotes my exhibition Day by Day and Lars Epstein´s exhibition Lars Epsteins Stockholm on Katarinahissen at Slussen in Stockholm. The exhibitions opens at August 11 and will be up until October 11.
Stockholm City Museums opens.
Stockholm City Museum will open again on August 11. That means my exhibition Day by Day can be seen there. Unfortunately there will be no opening reception.
Best of Rågsved 29th. of October 2019, 72x90 cm.
Ulf Lundin - Day by Day
Installing at Stockholm City Museum.
Installing the exhibition Day by Day at Stockholm City Museum. The show will probably open att August 11.
Best of Rågsved
My image Best of Rågsved in the back room at Galleri Magnus Karlsson together with a painting by Hans Lannér.
Konstens frågefomulär #1-132
Konstens frågeformulär #1-132, a new book by Magnus Bons. 132 Swedish artists answers 9 questions (in Swedish). I´m number 86.