Västerås Art Museum is showing the exhibition Teddy Sempinski - mosaikmästaren i Västerås about the work of Teddy Sempinski (1927 - 1998), an artist living in Västerås that did many public art pieces in the city. I've been hired to photograph his work for the show. The exhibition will be up until September 25, 2022.
Stalking Nature
My image Best of Kalicnik 20th. of August 2019 in an article om Swedish landscape photography written by Svante Larsson in the Swedish photo magazine Fotografisk Tidskrift #2/2021.
Summer Group Show
Between June 12 and 24 there will be a group show with the gallery artists at Galleri Magnus Karlsson. I will show the image Best of Rågsved 29th. of October 2019.
Best of Rågsved 29th. of October 2019, 72 x 90 cm
Working grant!
Today I've been sitting on a hill in Köping for 16 hours photographing for a new project. After 11 hour I received an e-mail from The Swedish Art Council telling me that I got a two-year workin grant. That made the last 5 hours much more pleasurable.
Installation images.
Installation images from my exhibition From Darkness at Kunsthall 3,14 in Bergen, Norway. From Darkness presented as a video projection in their black box. Last day of the show is Sunday this week.
Kunsthall 3,14