Tonight at 6 pm. I will have a talk (in Swedish) together with the writer Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalinen at the gallery. Free entrance but you need to mail the gallery ( if you want to come.
Rewiev in Dagens Nyheter
Milou Allerholm writes about my exhibition, Best of Sweden, in Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish). In the same article she also writes about Jenny Källmans two exhibitions that are in the same building.
Fotoexperiment med skickligt kalibrerade rörelser och stämningar
Best of Sweden, the book
Now you can buy my new book from my homepage or from Galleri Magnus Karlsson.
Text by Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalainen.
Book design by Greger Ulf Nilson.
Installation images
Installation images from Best of Sweden at Galleri Magnus Karlsson in Stockholm. The show will be up until February 25.
Le dessous de images.
In a episode of about paparazzi photography Michel Guerrin talks about Pictures of a Family. Unfortunately in french that I don't understand. About 9 min. and 45 sec. into the program.